
Unemployment is a Top Worry around the Globe

Unemployment is a Top Worry around the Globe

Households have been struggling for much longer than anyone expected to do so when the economic crisis began.  There were warnings it was going to be a long and bumpy road but the duration has been difficult and there has been little easing for households.  Many homeowners have turned to remortgages to help fund cash into strapped budgets and to find lower interest rates to help find savings in monthly expenses. 

In a recent survey by the BBC World Services called The World Speaks, the annual survey revealed that there are many outside of the UK that are just as worried about the future.  The majority of the 11,000 people polled in 23 countries showed that the fastest rising worry is unemployment.  The top problems people are worried about are corruption and poverty but unemployment was mentioned as a worry by 18 per cent.  This is six times the level mentioned in the poll in 2009.

The poll asked those responding to reveal topics of discussion they had mentioned in the past four weeks and the poll was carried out by Globescan. 

Unemployment is a growing problem in the UK and in other countries as well.  To help make ends meet homeowners with adequate equity levels have found that a cheap remortgage has helped stretch the budgets and needs of the household.  Current interest rate levels on remortgages have been quite low due to a competitive lending environment.  Experts agree that not only can a remortgage help put cash into a homeowner’s budget but the low interest rates can help them save money in the long run.  A remortgage will not help take away the worry of unemployment but in times of need in this difficult economy it can help in the right situation ease some of the stress.

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