
UK Housing Shortage Mainstream Discussion of New Government

UK Housing Shortage Mainstream Discussion of New Government

The UK housing market shortage is and has been squarely facing every day of the government for years now, with little relief so far in sight. The issue has been discussed and many programmes have been devised making small dinks in the amount of shortage along the way. Now, with a new future ahead for the country as well as a new government to lead us there, more is being called for to be done to make certain the crisis does not worsen even more.

The number of homes estimated which need to be built per year to avoid certain housing crisis by the year 2020 is around 200,000. Within the last twelve months, about 146,000 homes have begun construction, falling about 25% short of the goal. The goal of housing starts would help keep prices and rents from rising.

Many critics have not been quiet about the number of houses which began construction during the tenure of David Cameron. An average of 123,000 houses was built each year Cameron was in office.

Solutions for the shortage have been discussed at length, including empowering states with more authority over local land for development.

As the housing shortage remains part of mainstream conversation and debate, another sector within the housing market remains a valuable source for helping homeowners reduce the monthly mortgage cost of their residence. That financial tool is a remortgage.

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