
UK Housing Market Seeks Solutions to Shortage Now and into Future

UK Housing Market Seeks Solutions to Shortage Now and into Future

At a time when the UK housing market is teetering on success in many different areas, including mortgage lending, remortgages, and first time buyers flourishing, one problem remains to be solved – the shortage in housing. It is now being referred to by many as a crisis and the biggest potential threat to the UK economy. Many suggested solutions have been drafted, but until major reform is passed, possibly after this year’s general election, the problem remains the big white elephant in the room.

In London, the South East, and many parts of rural Britain, the problem of ownership is not just a challenge, but an impossibility for many. Even those with well-paying jobs, two incomes, and years of savings, can’t bypass reality which stares them in the face. Many will never stand in a home which is their own. High prices due to high demand have created an environment which is not suitable to those in search of a home. And politicians are not making the picture any more encouraging. Being referred to as unambitious, many plans have been looked at as quick fixes or not possible, or both.

The notion that there is no suitable land left is viewed as preposterous by some. David Orr of the National Housing Federation commented on how this issue should be tackled.

Orr said: “The notion that there is no land left really is nonsense. Nine per cent of the country is developed and that includes roads, factories and so on: only 2% is housing.”

Possible solutions to the housing problem have been suggested. Including the following:


Attempt to reach zero inflation. This could slow down the increase of property values.

Build carefully in green belts. Natural beauty could still be upheld, but neighborhoods could grow out of many acres of land.

End Right to Buy Programme. This could keep the market competitive and enable those able to afford housing to do so, whilst keeping an even keel on the lending process.


There are possibly solutions which many politicians will be pulling out of their hats leading up to election time. Until then, the housing crisis is real and has to be addressed.

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