The Data for UK House Price Growth is Confusing So What Is Going On

Looking at the recent reports on the UK housing market can be confusing. There will be one news report shouting positivity from the roof tops at the continued growth for another month in a row and more than £700 added to the average house price. Yet another news report will whisper that doom is upon the horizon with stalled growth and a decline against the house price level of last year. What is a home buyer or a home owner to think, do, or to make plans against such conflicting data?
The reports aren’t actually trying to push an agenda as it could seem when glancing at headlines, but it can feel that way as you go from headline to headline. The point is that yes, there has been growth and yes, there has been decline as well. It all depends on which viewpoint you happen to encounter and where the writer of the information is focusing.
In the month of June there was yet another month of growth to the average house price, and any home buyer that has been busy shopping for property will be able to attest to seeing confident sellers coming to the market.
However, in comparison to the levels seen in the housing market last year there is a decline. There are many factors at play and influencing the data, including a continued weak demand for London property or another way of looking at it is a natural correction to the property prices in the Capital.
Home buyers are going to find that demand is still strong in the market and while property isn’t coming to the market in strong waves which will keep demand high, a lot of the push to buy is coming from continued low interest rates and remarkable mortgage deals from lenders. There will always be the factor that home ownership is a dream of many and that pushes demand as well.
Homeowners are expected to remain positive despite the conflicting viewpoints of reports, their equity is still growing and there are plenty of attractive low interest remortgages available. Such an opportunity in the current lending market could offer a safety net against rising interest rates for years to come.