Remortgage Lending Is Still Disciplined in Getting Homeowners into New Interest Rates
Remortgage lending continues to be strong in the UK as homeowners are finding the opportunities available are too good to pass up. There has yet to be a time, even deep in the recession when there were interest rates so historically low and offers were as attractive. Not only are lenders making available great remortgages with low interest rates, but many have nice incentives to go with them such as free legal work and valuations.
Homeowners have a lot of choices available to them as well. A lot of lenders are joining in to take part in the strong demand for remortgages. This means that not only are there a lot of remortgage products to consider, but most lenders are in a competitive mode and that is always good for consumers.
Homeowners that have converted to their lender’s standard variable rate (SVR) after the end of their mortgage deal are encouraged to consider a remortgage now. Waiting could put a homeowner under pressure to hurry and remortgage when lending tightens and rates begin to rise. Even if most experts do not see a large interest rate rise in the near future, that doesn’t mean that lenders are going to offer the current deals forever. They are in business for profit and lending money at historically low levels of interest can’t be a good business choice for a long period of time, so homeowners should consider their needs for a new deal soon. The best deals can disappear as quickly as they show up on the market.
Shopping online and getting a quick quote on the possible savings a remortgage could offer is a great place to start to look into the opportunities lenders have for homeowners today.