Remortgage Lending Due to Increase in Months to Come

There are factors at play that should push homeowners to consider a remortgage. Currently the opportunities for homeowners are many, such as historically low interest rates, long term fixed rates with attractive incentives, and an ease in lending making remortgages available to more. Recently there have been reports that should add confidence to homeowners which have revealed a continued expectation of growth in house prices.
There are homeowners that are in a prime position to get a remortgage and offer savings for years to come over their current interest rate. A remortgage is a great opportunity for homeowners that are close to having their mortgage deal end, as well as those that have moved over to their lender’s standard variable rate (SVR) because their deal has already ended.
Even those in the middle of a mortgage deal could benefit from looking into a remortgage. For many, the paying of a fee for ending a deal early would be worth securing a lower interest rate and/or valuable associated benefits with a new deal.
Some lenders have been tightening their lending rules in response to a complicated outlook for the UK economy. Should lenders offering remortgages do the same then homeowners could miss out on the current ease in remortgage lending and the lowest interest rate deals could disappear.
Experts agree that homeowners have strong opportunities in today’s remortgage offerings, and that there are many that could benefit from a new deal. Homeowners should take a new look at the remortgage deals currently available and consider if now is the time to make a switch.