
Remortgage Could be the Perfect Tool for a Resilient Household

Remortgage Could be the Perfect Tool for a Resilient Household

Much has been said recently about the resiliency of the UK housing market. Many housing specialists expected the market to be challenged quite a bit more than it currently is, even though we are in the slow period of the year just prior to selling season. House prices did take a small dip in the month of February, but are fully expected to rise quickly in the coming weeks due to demand. Unemployment remains at a low level which is enabling many to purchase property during the off season for the market. The word resilient has been used numerous times in discussions about the market, but it should also be used to describe today’s homeowner.

Today’s homeowner has seen many peaks and valleys in the market since the historical Brexit vote which placed the UK on the watch list to leave the EU. This vote not only rattled many citizens who expected quite a different result, but many homeowners as well. Millions of residents were left unsure about what to do regarding purchase or sale of personal property. This has created a lull in market activity with many sitting on the fence until something concrete surfaces about Brexit negotiations.

A way home owners could possibly find more solid ground is through remortgage. Rates are at historically low levels. The Bank of England has not officially announced another hike in the standard base rate yet, but has hinted at such a move during the month of May. Last November the standard base rate was hiked from 0.25% to 0.5%. This was the first of its kind in more than a decade.

Homeowners are in constant search of ways to find savings, run a more efficient financial life, and find solutions to money shortcomings. Remortgage could be the answer. Many housing experts are urging those who are on the fence about remortgaging to act soon. No one can predict the next move in interest rates. It is possible to remortgage now, take control, and raise a shield of resilient protection against a market full of uncertainty.

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