
Optimistic Viewpoint Encouraged for Scots in the New Year

Optimistic Viewpoint Encouraged for Scots in the New Year

Remortgages are going to remain important to homeowners in 2012.  The demand from homeowners may still remain weak but the importance of a remortgage to a homeowner will increase.  Securing a low interest rate will become a priority for those on a tight budget that see higher interest rate offerings in the future.  The new year will be one of struggles but an optimistic viewpoint is called upon to push consumers into making the most of opportunities available.  For a homeowner that has had their mortgage deal end a new remortgage is indeed a great opportunity.

In their messages for the upcoming year leaders are calling upon people to change their outlook and view struggles as challenges meant to tackled.  Prime Minister David Cameron called for an optimistic viewpoint and strength in pride as the New Year brings the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and the long planned for Summer Olympics begin.  Scotland’s First Minister Alex Salmond called upon Scots to take control of their own future and destiny and seize opportunities in the coming year.

Mr. Salmond said, "The Scottish people have shown a hunger for more powers in order to secure a fairer, as well as a more prosperous future, and I believe optimism has been chosen over pessimism.

"My priority as First Minister as we go into 2012 is to ensure all Scots have the security and fulfillment that comes from the opportunity to work.

"That's why we are investing in a range of capital projects to create jobs, guaranteeing an education or training place for every 16-19 year old and delivering 25,000 modern apprenticeships a year.

"With greater powers we could do so much more and we would be much less at risk from the UK's counterproductive obsession with austerity at all costs.

"Next year will mark a further shift in the debate on Scotland's future as we move towards a referendum on independence in the second half of the parliament.

"I am confident that Scotland will decide to take full control of our own destiny and join the international community in our own right."

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