Older Renters Feel Gaining a Mortgage now will make Retirement age more Challenging

The current housing market conditions are not conducive for those older than forty to ever reach the property ladder if they have not done so already. The latest research delivers a profound message. Many renters, who feel like there is no way out of the rental sector, are over the age of 40. There is a great possibility, if this group is fortunate enough to reach the property ladder, they will be paying it off well into retirement years. This group of renters makes up more than 50% of all tenants.
A forty-five year old female Birmingham resident with children recently commented on the state of gaining access to the housing ladder, saying: "With the spiralling cost of private rental I have no idea where I will move with my children next. I feel that by now I shouldn't be having these issues, but without a lottery win can't even imagine how someone of my age could possibly get on the housing ladder.”
She feels she has a much better chance of reaching the ladder by winning the lottery than any other way. She also mentioned how she feels the boat has truly passed her by. She said: "As my children grew up I worked part-time menial jobs to keep the household ticking over. Now divorced, I find myself struggling to find accommodation that is affordable and in a half decent area.
"All of my life I've lived on council estates and I would really like the chance to break that cycle. It's incredibly depressing to get to my age and realise that you own nothing except a hefty student debt."
Her story has already become much too common within the housing community.