
Important Equity for a Remortgage Could Decline in Months Ahead

Important Equity for a Remortgage Could Decline in Months Ahead

For UK homeowners that are confused at what move to make based on uncertainty in the base rate hike - you are not alone.  Should you carry through with a remortgage and trade in the variable rate product which is now connected to your home mortgage?  Or, should you wait and see what the Bank of England is going to do with the base rate.  The target inflation rate for the bank remains out of control at 4%.  This has not forced their hand to this point.  So is it worth taking a chance that they will come back in the month of May and decide it is time?  The main concern though, if a remortgage is part of the decision process, is with house prices in free fall for the next three to five years, what will happen to all that equity which was built up in my home?

Equity in a home is the difference between the payable balance on a home, and its value.  If housing market experts, and industry economists see house prices falling for the next several years, a decision has to be made to your advantage which limits the amount of home equity which is lost.  That is like throwing pounds right out the window.  No homeowner wants the feeling of losing home equity, if something can be done now.  To minimize the amount of lost equity, do something now.  That something should be to get some consultation from a remortgage specialist.

Don’t be a victim due to the hesitations of others.  If remortgaging now will save obvious pounds in the near future, take a closer look at that option.  If nothing will be lost by waiting, look at that option.  The worst decision is not taking a look at either option.

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