
Hopeful Home Buyers Have Opportunities Too Good To Resist

Hopeful Home Buyers Have Opportunities Too Good To Resist

House prices have shown resilience since the Brexit saga began. Many expected it to plummet and for home buyers to put their dreams of owning their own property on the shelf, but that didn’t happen. Hopeful home buyers remained focused on their own needs and pushed any warnings or doom and gloom forecasts to the side. There were opportunities in both lending and the housing market and few could resist taking advantage.

As the Brexit deadline of 31 October drew nearer, caution seemed to set in or perhaps even though interest rates were low, home buyers expected an even better deal to emerge from the Brexit dust.

House prices began to slow, and the latest data from Nationwide again reveals a slow and steady growth to the market. The average house price increased by 0.4% in the annual comparison, which is the 11th consecutive month that an increase in annual house price growth has remained below the 1% mark.

The monthly house price increased by only 0.2% in October from September. This growth level is stronger than the no growth expected for the beginning month of the last quarter of the year.

Home buyers are likely to discover lower asking prices for new properties coming into the market according to experts. There are also low interest rate mortgages available, with some being historically low for the lender. Creative mortgage products, such as those with 100% loan to value with a savings deposit opened at the lending bank, mark the competitive environment in which borrowers can find attractive offerings.

Brexit could be slowing down the home buyers, but for those pushing caution aside and willing to take action to get on the property ladder, opportunity exists in lending and in the housing market coming together to make it all a bit too good to resist.

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