
Homeowners Encouraged to Build a Savings Strategy and Drop Lender Loyalty

Homeowners Encouraged to Build a Savings Strategy and Drop Lender Loyalty

In today's challenging economic landscape, UK homeowners are facing a perfect storm of financial pressures, from the lingering effects of the pandemic to soaring energy costs and inflation that grew to a 40-year high. Adding to the complexity, interest rates surged to levels not seen in over a decade. Just two years ago, historic low rates were prevalent, but now, savvy homeowners are urged to explore remortgaging as a strategic move to safeguard their household budgets. This is especially so for those close to having their mortgage term end and those who have had it end and without a remortgage were transitioned to their lender’s standard variable rate (SVR).

Homeowners are warned the urgency to remortgage is even greater. Many borrowers secured mortgages during a period of ultra-low interest rates set by the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) at the end of 2021 and throughout 2022. The then popular two-year mortgage deal will be nearing an end and with the expiration the homeowner will be without their locked in low rate. 

While the same rate levels of before are no longer available to choose from, homeowners are encouraged to shop for a remortgage much like they did their last deal and avoid being moved to their lender’s SVR. Not only would they be vulnerable to rate hikes, but they would be paying more than they would with a remortgage.

The current rates available from lenders are surprising even to some experts. A competitive market has emerged in the effort to gain the attention of borrowers and has amounted to offers that are not what would have been forecasted. Some offers on the market are below the base rate of the Bank. However, there are factors that could close the competitive market down and lenders would then raise their own rates even if the MPC does not.

This is why shopping for a remortgage sooner than later could be a smart strategy.

To secure the best remortgage deal, homeowners should revisit their current mortgage terms, noting the type of loan, term end date, and current interest rates. This information will be helpful when shopping for the best remortgage deal.

Online remortgage shopping has never been easier, with lenders and brokers offering quick quotes within minutes. The website of a remortgage broker could offer numerous remortgage quotes from a variety of lenders and possibly an exclusive deal from a lender not offered directly to borrowers. Homeowners could always go from lender to lender to gather quotes to review and compare.

Experts encourage all homeowners to consider remortgage shopping. Regardless of the current mortgage term stage, homeowners should consider remortgaging, especially if they were moved to a pricier SVR after term completion. While some may incur penalty fees for ending a mortgage term early, the potential for significant savings outweighs the risks. The era of 2021's low-interest rates may be gone, but by remortgaging, homeowners can still secure a favorable position against higher rates.

Homeowners are encouraged to create a strategy to prevent paying more than necessary. Savings could be found in avoiding a SVR and in securing a fixed rate deal. 

Experts encourage homeowners to put remortgaging into their strategy. Especially due to the convenience of online shopping to obtain quotes, explore opportunities, and uncover the benefits possible and because savings over a SVR are certainly possible. 

Another piece of advice is for a homeowner to put aside their loyalty to their current lender, for loyalty may need to take a backseat if a new relationship offers substantial savings to fortify the family household budget in the face of today’s economic uncertainties.

In the dynamic world of mortgage lending, seizing the opportunity to remortgage is a proactive step towards financial resilience. By staying informed, comparing options, and embracing change, UK homeowners can navigate the current economic challenges and secure a remortgage deal that not only protects their budget but sets the stage for future financial well-being.

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