
Home Buying Opportunities Look Good on Paper

Home Buying Opportunities Look Good on Paper

Should you buy now or wait it out is the question for most hopeful home buyers. Brexit has taken its toll and caution has seeped into the veins of even the most optimistic consumers and borrowers. Yet, in this unchartered territory for the economy there exists opportunity for a home buyer to not only purchase at a time when asking prices are low and interest rates are for some lenders at historic lows, but when house prices are expected to bounce upward in only a very few years.

The housing market was expected to plunge into doom and gloom during the turmoil of Brexit, yet it remained resilient. That has kept house prices at a healthy level in the midst of stress put upon consumers and the economy. Therefore, new homeowners and those already on the property ladder are not starting at a disadvantage with the value of their home. Instead, there is an expected increase in value in a relatively short time after an economic hardship predicted.

The opportunity to buy homes at a lower asking price means that home buyers are likely looking at and qualifying for homes in which they would not have been able to consider in months and years past. More value of property for less of a purchase expense is considered a smart move when it comes to investing in a home.

Low interest rate mortgages and remortgages are available from lenders. Even impressive low interest rates are connected to fixed rate deals with long terms. Securing today’s low interest rate for years ahead is another added benefit for home buyers.

For those that are having trouble saving for a deposit, there are creative mortgages and schemes available to assist the home buyer.

Those that have long been considering the leap to homeownership versus renting, should gain confidence with several reports confirming that in the long term, buying and owning is much cheaper than renting.

There is little to avoid in today’s housing market and lending market. Of course, every situation is unique for a home buyer, but with the right information and smart moves with borrowing and buying, perhaps it’s time to take action, because when it comes to a pros and cons list, buying sure looks good versus waiting for most.

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