Garden Cities Suggested by Clegg as Viable Population Option
For those interested in housing whilst receiving a tax discount and a price guarantee, Nick Clegg, Deputy Prime Minister has an idea for you. The latest progressive type living arrangements are becoming quite popular and they are known as Garden Cities. These self-contained units offer the best in convenient accommodations and are being counted on for solving a major problem in the UK, overcrowding. Clegg is requesting a short list of up to three new potential locations for towns for publication later this year.
The primary goal of the new developments is to help fight the population issue and how it relates to housing. The problem is expected to reach quite an urgent level by the year 2020.
Clegg recently commented on the Garden City developments, saying: “Many people will want to live in world-beating garden cities.”
Clegg added: “The whole point of them is that they must be well-designed, support jobs, contain top-quality green space and services – the best of town and country in one place. But we also need to make sure that no individuals lose out during the development.”
Residents hesitating the possibility of living in such an arrangement will take pleasure in seeing the benefits it potentially offers, tax discounts and price guarantees. These two issues alone could be enough to persuade many who see the developments as a challenging place to reside.
Clegg continued: “We could maybe give deductions on their council tax for the period of time during which the garden city is being built.
“We could possibly also say to those homes where they think the price of their home will be affected, we will guarantee the price of their home by buying it, if you like, up front.”