First Quarter Coming to a Close and the Housing Market Could Bring Surprises

The first quarter of 2019 is coming to a close. Spring weather is on the horizon and that normally brings a boost to the housing market. Whether the boost in sales will pick up the market or help carry it to heights not expected remains to be seen. The first quarter, too, might have its own surprises despite not being considered a time of year in which the housing market is favored.
Many experts believed that the first quarter of the year would see the housing market struggling. It would end as the Brexit date passed on the calendar. No one thought that any hopeful home buyers would be interested in taking a step to actually buy. Yet, they did. February data revealed that home buyers were more than willing to take advantage of the opportunities that existed in purchasing a property and borrowing on low interest rates.
Perhaps it is the optimistic outlook that grew strong during the last recession and through the economic crisis that has taught consumers to make the most of opportunities present that has helped keep the housing market afloat despite the anticipation of it sinking due to Brexit and a global economic slowing.
For those that are considering the possibility of home buying, it could help to do research as to what mortgage interest rates are available. Due to the competitive lending environment changes are occurring quickly and new and better products come onto the market with little fanfare. The same can be said for those borrowing for a remortgage.