
Buy to Let Remortgaging will Likely Out Number Homeowner Remortgaging

Buy to Let Remortgaging will Likely Out Number Homeowner Remortgaging

Buy to let remortgaging will likely out number homeowner remortgaging in the coming months.  Homeowners have not been running in to grab a new deal.  They have been content to sit on their lender’s variable rate as their mortgage deal has ended.  Indeed there are likely hundreds of thousands that could benefit from a remortgage and have not done so.  They have become used to the low interest rate offerings on remortgages as well as the low variable rate of their lender.  There has been little to bring them in if not for competitive offers from lenders.  Still there are few that are taking a bite of the lower interest rate offering bait. 

Homeowners are deep in a trend of paying off debt rather than taking on more.  They want to pay down debt and have been doing so in recent months in record numbers.  Landlords on the other hand are taking on more debt as they invest more into their buy to let business.  For this reason buy to let remortgages have become important and more in demand from landlords.  They are using remortgages to allow them to add more properties into their portfolios.

Homeowners are going to continue to pay down debt with the economic forecasts calling for more months if not years of struggling.  They may be risking a lot staying on their lender’s variable rate but they are content to do so as of now.  Landlords on the other hand need remortgages much more than homeowners and are going to continue to demand cheap remortgage deals from lenders.  Buy to let remortgaging is going to remain high into the next year as rental demand does as well.

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