Base Rate Increase on Hold in Latest Meeting of Bank of England MPC

The fate of interest rates for the month of April has been voted on in the latest meeting of the Bank of England Monetary Policy Committee. Unanimously, the committee voted to keep the standard base rate at the current level of 0.75%. This is the rate which has remained from August of last year. Prior to August, the rate was increased in the month of November in 2017. Interest rates have massive impact on mortgage lending as well as other consumer lending.
The current standard base rate of 0.75% will remain through the majority of the month of April and at least until the next meeting of the Bank of England Monetary Policy Committee meeting next month. The rate is typically a means to control the rate of inflation which currently resides at 1.9%. The Bank of England goal is around 2%.
House owners are still in favourable times to seek out and obtain a fixed rate remortgage with a low interest rate, according to housing experts. In fact, rates are currently sitting at levels not seen in many years.
The Central Bank has predicted the inflation level will remain close to the goal of 2% in the coming months, with the exception of a possible shaky Brexit. According to economists, this could cause the standard base rate to be adjusted and lead directly to lenders adjusting mortgage lending rates.
With a clean Brexit, according to some economists, interest rates could remain at the current level for some time. Obtaining a fixed rate remortgage at this time is a suggestion currently expressed by many housing specialists before Brexit occurs.